Legal notice

Last modified: Sept 7th, 2023

Company Name: SCALEBAY

Legal Form: SAS (Société par Actions Simplifiée)

SIRET: 95317217800014 (RCS Paris)

Address: 195 rue de la Croix Nivert 75015, Paris, France

VAT Identification Number: FR02953172178

Capital Social: €2000

Website Hosting: AWS France

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The website and all its components, including graphics, text, images, databases, programs, developments, as well as trade names, trademarks, and logos, are the exclusive property of Scalebay or its subsidiaries. Any reproduction, distribution, or use of any kind without the express permission of Scalebay is prohibited. Any reproduction, imitation, extraction, or reuse is the responsibility of the author.

  1. Responsibilities

Scalebay undertakes its best efforts to ensure accessibility to the website at all times. Scalebay reserves the right to correct and update the content of this website at any time and without notice. Scalebay disclaims any responsibility for delays, errors, or omissions in the content of these pages, as well as interruptions, technical problems, including website connection issues, or unavailability of the website. Scalebay reserves the right, for any reason and without notice, to terminate, modify, suspend, or interrupt access to all or part of the website. Scalebay does not guarantee that the server hosting the site is free from viruses, other logical infections on the site, or that technical problems or deterioration may occur that could damage the user's computer components or stored data.

  1. Data

The information collected may be processed by Scalebay to provide you with the services offered by the website and to answer your questions. In accordance with the amended Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to information, access, rectification, erasure of your data, a right to limit processing, a right to data portability, a right to object to commercial prospecting, including profiling, a right to object for legitimate reasons, a right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL, and a right to define directives regarding the fate of your data after your death, by contacting with a copy of an identity document bearing your signature. Please indicate "SCALEBAY" in the subject of your request. For more information, you can consult the privacy policy.

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The website contains hyperlinks providing access to sites not edited by Scalebay. Consequently, it cannot be held responsible for the content of the sites or any element or service presented on these sites that you may access. Similarly, the consultation and collection of personal data on these sites are subject to the respective terms of use and protection of these sites. The creation of hyperlinks to the website requires prior authorization from the publisher.

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